At Sackville, we aim for our fees to be affordable for more people. This is because we believe that a first-class private school education should be available to a wider audience.
School Fees 2024/2025
Year Group | Termly Fees |
Year 7 to Year 13 | £6,715 |
Lunch (compulsory) | £435 |
Transport (optional) | £700 |
Sackville Association Membership (optional) * | £30 |
*Funds raised by the Sackville Association Membership Fee are used to purchase additional classroom resources
Fees will be charged in three equal amounts across all the year groups including the students in their final year or those undertaking Sixth Form study without rebate for any time out of school.
New Student Enrolment Fees
Registration Fees | £150 |
Advance Fees Deposit | £500 |
Locker Hire | £150 |
Initial Equipment (includes ongoing provision of overalls, goggles, first year planner, calculator and bag) | £100 |
Discounts and Scholarships
Sibling discounts are applied only whilst the siblings are on roll, and are available on a sliding scale as follows:
Sibling in School | Discount Awarded |
First | 0% |
Second | 5% |
Third | 10% |
Fourth | 15% |
Fifth | 15% |
A small number of scholarships may also be available – please contact the School’s Registrar for further information.
Additional Charges
To find out more about our additional charges click here.
Terms and Conditions
For our terms and conditions, please click here.